My kids Sino and Liby always love to explore Science through experiments.

Both like to do a lot of hands on activities, so we make lot of models and experiment everything as a part of learning.

This blog is created to showcase our models and projects which we did with simple household materials on various occasions.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Read to Lead

Is your child getting lost in the school system, becoming bored, losing his or her natural eagerness to learn? Maybe it’s time to take charge of your child’s education.

With thirty to fifty students per classroom, even the most dedicated teachers often can’t give each student the individual attention so urgently needed, and neither teachers nor parents can control the social environment of many schools.

But you can  help your child not only to get better grades but have more enthusiasm for learning.
Read, Read, Read
I hear parents say, “I don’t want to push my child. Already they are having a lot of school work” Making sure your child is a good reader  beyond textbooks when he is young is not pushing; it is opening before him a world of information, pleasure, and opportunity for a lifetime.

Access to books and one-on-one reading time is a predictor of school success.
Reading stimulates the brain to make connections and builds background knowledge about the world. Reading is the foundation of all learning and will enable a child to absorb and apply content from all areas, including math and science. We have to make it a top priority to read and talk through daily activities.
Most five year old  kids are capable of learning to read, which doesn't mean that all of them will want to do it instead of playing. A child who squirms, complains, or protests isn't demonstrating “reading unreadiness,” he is simply being five. If the child doesn't want to learn to read, tell him that you’re going to do ten minutes per day anyway.

Start with five minutes every day. Work up to fifteen minutes. Don’t ask, “Do you want to do your reading now?” they won’t choose to read as they have their favorite TV programs all day long. Plan it as matter-of-fact as you would plan tooth brushing.By the time when they are preteens and teens they will have a valuable hobby which is both informative and relaxing. I have seen so many teen girls don’t know what to do in their leisure hours except watching and talking about tv programs films and actors.

So it’s in our hands to introduce the habit of reading at an early age. We have the power to train him or her to read, to think, to understand, to be well-rounded and curious about learning which today’s overcrowded schools are often unable to provide. You do have control over what and how your child learns.

Today’s technology has an interwoven and integrated part in our lives. Our kids need to learn about the latest trends in tech field also, but we also need to promote balance and make sure our kids know there is more life than staring at a screen.

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